Sunday, December 19, 2010

"The Time Has Come...,"

The Walrus said, "to talk of many things.  Of shoes and ships and sausages and sealing wax and kings."

Okay, so that's not how it really goes.  But sausage and cabbage does go so well together!  This pic is from a great family tradition of sausage making for the holidays.  My cousin, Brian, and I were the official apprentices this time around during my visit to Ohio in November.  Rumor has it that they're at it again this week for the Christmas feast.  I can still smell the garlic!

I've been busy this past month.  The fall concert for my string groups has come and gone.  As I said above, I took a trip to Ohio -  for the Thanksgiving holiday.  I'm up to my eyeballs in rehearsals and concerts.  (Tonight I will play in the orchestra for a church performance of portions of the Messiah, Shortwaaave will be performing at Faithbridge Church on Christmas Eve and Mark and I will be performing with a band that calls itself Buddy's Notes at the Inn at Grand Glaize for New Year's Eve.)

Next week, the Surf office is closed and I'm looking forward to having some crafting time at home.  As I'm not nearly ready for Christmas this year, I think I'm going to turn back to my old tradition of making all of my gifts for 2011 and next week will be the perfect time to start!