Monday, October 11, 2010

October in Full Swing

I travelled to San Antonio this past week for business (more on that later).  On the way home, my boss commented that his October was almost over as he had two more trips that he was going to take before the month was up.  Mine, hectic as usual, is just beginning.  Here's what I can remember off the top of my head:

October 11th, orchestra rehearsals
October 12th, band rehearsal
October 14th, lessons
October 16th, wedding in Camdenton
October 17th, performing at the Lutheran church in Camdenton
October 18th, orchestra rehearsals
October 19th, performing at the Baptist church in Camdenton
October 21st, lessons
October 25th, orchestra rehearsals
October 26th, band rehearsal
October 28th, lessons
October 30th, judging the Miss Missouri pageant in Lake Ozark

And this is only my evening schedule. Oh, yeah, and I have to prepare for all of this, too.  Yikes!

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