Sunday, September 13, 2009

Stop the Madness!

Somewhere along the way, maybe it was when I turned 35, my digestive tract took a turn for the worse. Since that time, I have gained approximately 80 pounds. Ooh. Even looking at that in actual print makes me squirm. But there it is. Admitting it to myself was the hardest part. But confessing it to others has been entirely something different. So now that I've done that, I think I may be ready to move in an entirely more productive direction.

I have allowed myself to excuse my weight gain for long enough. No, scratch that. I haven't excused it, I have allowed myself to think that I couldn't do anything about it for long enough. I am a comfort eater and have always turned to food as a stress relaxer. This particular digestive problem, however, has turned that attitude into a disaster - an 80 pound disaster.

Now, mind you, I'm no Barbie Doll. I've never been what you would call pretty. I don't think I'm homely but let's face it, I'll never be running for Miss Missouri. And I've never been skinny, either. But I have been more fit than I am now. I guess what I'm trying to say that I don't have any intentions of trying to become something I'm not. I just want to be able to walk up the stairs without being out of breath.