Sunday, January 31, 2010

Many things...

This is my first post of the new year. I decided that I should do one the moment I realized that it is almost February. Where on earth does the time go?

Anyway, I'm 90% recovered from the surgery on my pancreas. I still have a few occasional serious pains and a tube that is stitched in surrounded by some ongoing aches but I'm mostly back to normal. That's a good thing because this spring looks to be a challenge in many respects.

I'm playing in the pit orchestra for a production of "Guys and Dolls" at the local high school. That will go on until February 21st. Then back to the surgeon to have my last tube taken out. Then youth orchestra rehearsals will begin again. Big Surf is in full swing for planning and there is much work to be done there. (I'm one of the few unbelievable lucky people who really love their job.) Then there's the normal stuff like bills, laundry. You know. Life.

But today, I'm going to take some time and do something that I've wanted to do for a while now. I'm going up to Bagnell Dam to see if I can get some good shots of the bald eagles that nest there.

I hope they're out and in the mood for a paparazzo.